About Me

People tell me that I am a little different, weird maybe, but whatever. Either way I love my life. I have an excellent family, amazing friends and have been given more privileges and opportunities than I deserve.

I believe that everything happens for a reason and there is a solution to every problem, whether you like it or not. I think that no matter where you are, what you do, or what you have, the who you are with matters most of all. I believe life is simple, hard, and amazing. Laughter is my primary form of exercise. I love anything competitive. I wake up and go to bed to SportsCenter. The thing I value the most is happiness and I couldn't care less about money. My life is great, my friends are better, and God is the best.

Right now I am 22 years old and I am almost done going to school at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, where I am getting a Bachelors of Science in Civil Engineering. I am taking fall quarter off and then heading back to graduate in the Fall(2011). To be honest I don’t know what happens after that. I will vacation in Europe and then have the rest of my life ahead of me :)

Friday, October 22, 2010

Day 52: Mocha Club and Bluebird

Current Location: Nashville, TN

This morning was rough because we have been having so much fun recently that it was wearing me out. Luckily we got up and left to immediately stop for coffee at a place called The Perch out in Brentwood, TN. We headed out there for two things, one a quick stop at Target to purchase Sugarland's new Deluxe Edition CD!!!! and two to go to Cassidy's internship at Mocha Club.

Mocha Club is a really awesome organization that works with many different non-profit companies to raise money for their programs in Africa. I just did a really lame job explaining their awesomeness so go check it out yourself HERE!!

On another note and back to The Perch, I will again hammer home by point that Nashville may have the best, cutest, most delicious, and pretty dang cool coffee shops I have ever seen (Please note that this comment excludes all coffee shops in the SLO area as well as and most importantly Uptown Espresso, you are still number one!!!). Okay but yes Nashville is the place.

So back to Mocha Club, the day was spent on some various projects and I helped with some folding of a new scarf line that comes from Africa and all the purchases go back to helping the women in Ethiopia that make them (I bought one and they are so cute!). I just sorta talked with people, helped out with some small things, and looked at stuff on the internet haha. It was fun. After all of that we headed home got a quick snack and then I went on a short run.

THEN at 9pm Cassidy and I headed out to The Bluebird Cafe (LINK HERE) the most amazing little cafe in Nashville, not because of the food, even though it was good, but because of the live music. Each night singers and songwriters sign up to play at the Cafe, and they are amazing. They will just go around in a circle signing songs that they wrote and telling you the meaning behind the song and who cut it on their records. LITERALLY MY NEW FAVORITE PLACE AND I WANT TO GO EVERY NIGHT.

Well that was really they day today. This blog was a lot longer than normal haha lots of information to include!!!


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