About Me

People tell me that I am a little different, weird maybe, but whatever. Either way I love my life. I have an excellent family, amazing friends and have been given more privileges and opportunities than I deserve.

I believe that everything happens for a reason and there is a solution to every problem, whether you like it or not. I think that no matter where you are, what you do, or what you have, the who you are with matters most of all. I believe life is simple, hard, and amazing. Laughter is my primary form of exercise. I love anything competitive. I wake up and go to bed to SportsCenter. The thing I value the most is happiness and I couldn't care less about money. My life is great, my friends are better, and God is the best.

Right now I am 22 years old and I am almost done going to school at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, where I am getting a Bachelors of Science in Civil Engineering. I am taking fall quarter off and then heading back to graduate in the Fall(2011). To be honest I don’t know what happens after that. I will vacation in Europe and then have the rest of my life ahead of me :)

Friday, October 29, 2010


Current Location: San Luis Obispo, CA

Today was the last day of my journey. I pulled into SLO last night and today was a recovery day from the last 60 days of traveling around the country. I had a great time and I will never forget all of the things I experienced, people I saw, and funny things that happened. People are always asking me about my trip highlights so I am gonna give you all a few...

- Going to Wrigley Field TWICE
- Driving through the night with Emily Buckel
- Seeing my old roommates along the way
- Meeting people like Charlotte, Conrad, Eduardo, Jeff, Chris, and so many more people that I would have had the pleasure of meeting, but hopefully will someday again.
- Seeing my family
- Driving across the middle of nowhere and just enjoying the view

There are really so many other things that I cannot think about but happened. I loved it all and I will never forget this trip.

So that is it. I am done with this trip, done blogging, and now I have to figure out my life haha, wish me luck again.


P.S. Just if you are interested here are some stats from my trip.
TOTAL $ SPENT ON GAS: $1420.20

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Day 59: Driving Home to SLO!!!!

Current Location: San Luis Obispo, CA

Today was the final day of driving on my road trip, officially. I got up and had a large breakfast with Marje and Jack, it was delicious! I left around 11am headed West on the 10 toward LA. I arrived in LA around 4:30pm which as you can imagine is a nightmare with traffic. Again I say, Why do I always end up in the largest cities during rush hour! It seems like each time I drive through LA I want to die with all this traffic haha. Well I finally made it through all of that and onward north up the coast. I saw the sunset on the Pacific around Ventura and thought it was a pretty good end to my driving. I arrived in SLO around 8pm and Alese, Katherine and Myself enjoyed a celebratory drink downtown at the Black Sheep. The night was good. And tomorrow marks the last day of my road trip.


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Day 58: Albuquerque to AZ

Current Location: Phoenix (Mesa), AZ

Today I woke up in Albuquerque, New Mexico. To be honest New Mexico (a place I have been twice) is actually pretty cool. I like the old town areas and the pueblo style that runs throughout the city. But anyway that is not the point. So like I said my day started in a Holiday Inn Express and then I headed to Old Town Albuquerque in order to go the the Indian retail stands so that I could buy a couple unique jewelry. I found a couple of cool pieces a sterling silver and turquiose ring and then a pair of matching earrings haha. Anyway they were good finds. After that I headed out west.

I drove most of the day through some pretty plain country. I know that yesterday I was raving about the beautiful Texas country and flat land but I must say that between Albuquerque and Flagstaff there is really not much to see. The land is dry, full of shrubs, and pretty much rolling boring hills haha, not as good as yesterday though.

Well this evening I arrived at my Great Aunt and Uncle's place and went to Applebee's Bar and Grille haha. After was spent sharing pictures and watching the NBA kickoff night on the TV. The game is back on so ....


Monday, October 25, 2010

Day 57: Dallas to Albuquerque

Current Location: Albuquerque, NM

Today Amber and I got up and went to breakfast at Bread Winners a breakfast place/bakery/club at night haha. I had surprise, surprise, a Tex-Mex breakfast that was delicious and then headed out of town. Sad saying goodbye to Amber :(. I drove up northwest hit a piece of Oklahoma, on to Amarillo, across the pan handle and ended up in Albuquerque, NM for the night.

Today was just driving mostly after leaving Dallas, I love the scenery around this area. Most people think it is boring, flat, and full of cows and tumbleweeds, but I know otherwise. The open "range" as some might say is awesome. I love the flat land that you can see miles in each direction, staring at the same thing that has been there for centuries. There is something about the open space that breathes of opportunity. Maybe I get too sentimental over the open road but if you know it and appreciate it like I do then you understand. I just love the country, tumbleweeds, cows and all. Guess I am in luck because tomorrow I'll get to see even more because I am headed to Phoenix.


Day 56: That’s what I love about Sundays

Current Location: Dallas, TX

It is Sunday and Amber and I awoke ready to start the day at church. We got up dressed and headed off to a church that Amber likes called Watermark in North Dallas. The church was huge just like the mega church I described in Chicago it seemed more like a small college campus or large theater than a church. However, I enjoyed it, the pastor was exciting, the people were friendly and they had coffee! So A in my book. After Amber and I wanted to go shopping and get our nails done. However, Sundays in Dallas apparently means everything is closed. So we had to change our plans. Instead we headed downtown to Downtown West and wandered around taking pictures and got lunch at a place called RJ’s Mexican Cuisine that of course served Tex-Mex (like every other place in the city). Anyway our waiter, Rudy, was super great and we had two enormous, in both size and taste, salads. By this time the three shops that are open on Sundays had opened and I made a couple purchases before we headed back to get our nails done.

Nails, Starbucks, diving around for pictures, and relaxing with the TV all followed. Amber later had to go to her lacrosse practice, where she coaches third graders, and I during this time went for a light job around the area. After all of that We got ready and went out! (Yes, Yes, on a Sunday).

Together we went to Mi Cocina a place in Uptown, Dallas. The entire area of Uptown is very nice, shops, food, bars, clubs, and a very young scene. I had the most amazing Tacos “de Brisket” as they were called that surprise again were Tex-Mex. We also enjoyed a couple super delish margaritas. We walked around, sat and talked, and enjoyed our night before heading over to one of Amber’s friends houses to watch football and Sportscenter to cap off the night. In the words of Mr. Craig Morgan, “ That’s what I love about Sundays”.


Day 55: Football and Tornadoes

Current Location: Amber's Casa Dallas, TX

Today is Saturday and the homecoming day for both Baylor and SMU colleges around Dallas. Amber and I got up and headed out for a small walk and to pick up some coffee before the games. We then headed out to the tailgating party that is actually not a tailgate party but called boulevarding and is something that looks more like a small state fair (yes, they are extremely serious about football here). So we go and sign up for a couple places at the game and get some free BBQ and some drinks and wait for the game to start. The weather at this point was decent yet pretty humid (for my taste, which means mildly humid I guess, but whatever). It was a normal day. Literally as we finish our meal and Amber's sister calls to ask us about the weather and if we have heard the tornado warning yet, THE WEATHER TURNS. haha the sky blackens the clouds move in, it it gets windy and and starts pouring down rain. Needless to say Amber and I split rather quickly haha. I mean we were not about to stand in that, especially Amber who for some reason hates the rain more than anything.

So we were on to plan two, shopping at Target, watching the games from the couch and then chilling out with some sushi and salads. Hahah pretty good day minus the weather that was terrible. Seriously.

Okay. Peace

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Day 54: A day in Dallas

Current Location: Dallas, TX

Today, Amber had to get up early and go to school but I got to sleep in until the late hours of 10am haha. Then I got up did some organizing and got ready to go to my spa facial apt. I had a relaxing time at the spa, got a snack and then headed home to meet Amber after class. After some planning we decided to go on a run around the extremely cute and wealthy neighborhoods and watch the All-American families play soccer and lacrosse in the park. Then it was time to shower and head out to meet Amber's sister, Stephanie, for some dinner at Blue Mesa Grille. Blue Mesa was a great looking restaurant with a very delicious menu, so all around good. Then we headed back to Amber's apartment picked up her roommate plus one and headed to Humperdinks a bar/restaurant to watch the TEXAS RANGERS win the AL championship and make there way to the world series! I don't actually like the Rangers nor was I cheering for the team in general but I have to say that being in that bar was much like a movie when the underdog team wins the championship for the first time. People where going nuts, everyone was wearing Ranger gear, strangers were hugging and high-fiving, and everyone was signing along. It was literally HISTORIC, which was pretty amazing. I do have to say that I am glad the Rangers won, they are a great team with some good history and have never made it to a World Series before, so props to them; too bad they are gonna lose to my Giants. hahaha. Anyway that was the night. Amber and I later feel asleep watching Wedding Crashers. Which we will finish watching later tonight.
