About Me

People tell me that I am a little different, weird maybe, but whatever. Either way I love my life. I have an excellent family, amazing friends and have been given more privileges and opportunities than I deserve.

I believe that everything happens for a reason and there is a solution to every problem, whether you like it or not. I think that no matter where you are, what you do, or what you have, the who you are with matters most of all. I believe life is simple, hard, and amazing. Laughter is my primary form of exercise. I love anything competitive. I wake up and go to bed to SportsCenter. The thing I value the most is happiness and I couldn't care less about money. My life is great, my friends are better, and God is the best.

Right now I am 22 years old and I am almost done going to school at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, where I am getting a Bachelors of Science in Civil Engineering. I am taking fall quarter off and then heading back to graduate in the Fall(2011). To be honest I don’t know what happens after that. I will vacation in Europe and then have the rest of my life ahead of me :)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Premise: The Idea!

Okay so this is my first post (obviously) and I am just going to give a little background on the formation of this road trip. Basically due to some scheduling conflicts at my college, as well as class times offered, I get to take a quarter off. I don't want to stay in SLO and pay rent and/or tuition for a quarter that I don't need. So instead I had a brilliant idea. ROAD TRIP!

I had thought of this many times before but always with the idea of taking a year off or doing it after graduation, or something of the sort. Uhh so that never happened. With graduation approaching and plans of going to Europe for the first time after graduating, my road trip plans never really got past stage one. Anyway, thanks to my "amazing advisors " scheduling happened in such a way that I get to take this quarter off. A blessing in disguise is my take on it. Now I get to see America on my free time and do/go what/wherever I want. Holla! So that is the story of where this idea came from and why it will be taking place this fall.

So the plan for this blog as well as the YouTube account is so that I can have/make a record of the whole thing start to finish. Also my friends and family can see what I am up to during the trip since I will be gone for about 3 months. So check them and add me, follow me, subscribe to me, whatever is you're do for whatever it is you're on. So yeah.... peace.

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