About Me

People tell me that I am a little different, weird maybe, but whatever. Either way I love my life. I have an excellent family, amazing friends and have been given more privileges and opportunities than I deserve.

I believe that everything happens for a reason and there is a solution to every problem, whether you like it or not. I think that no matter where you are, what you do, or what you have, the who you are with matters most of all. I believe life is simple, hard, and amazing. Laughter is my primary form of exercise. I love anything competitive. I wake up and go to bed to SportsCenter. The thing I value the most is happiness and I couldn't care less about money. My life is great, my friends are better, and God is the best.

Right now I am 22 years old and I am almost done going to school at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, where I am getting a Bachelors of Science in Civil Engineering. I am taking fall quarter off and then heading back to graduate in the Fall(2011). To be honest I don’t know what happens after that. I will vacation in Europe and then have the rest of my life ahead of me :)

Friday, March 19, 2010

Today was the last day of finals for me (don't get too excited, I am talking just this quarter). It is amazing. No more studying or schoolwork until April. I finally get to go home and see the family, but first is a quick stop to somewhere that I have never been and won't be going on my road trip. Therefore, it is a perfect op. because I get to go somewhere I have never been (aka. my favorite activity EVAR!).

So here is the deal. I help out with the Cal Poly Women's Lacrosse team (that I used to play on) and because I am so wonderful (actually someone could not go and they had an extra ticket for me), I get to fly FO FREE out to Denver, then travel with them to Boulder and Ft. Collins. It is going to be so great to go on a mini-vacation with all my friends during spring break! So that should be awesome because I have only been to Colorado Springs, CO and have always wanted to see the rest of the state. Oh, and another bonus is that Amber's family lives there and we get to visit and see her home in Golden. Holla Holla!

Well that is all for now!
I love my life.

P.S. don't worry epic road trips plans are constantly underway!

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